Lindsay Lohan could soon face breach of contract suit

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Lindsay Lohan could soon face breach of contract suit

Readers of our blogs may remember last week’s topic in which we discussed the legal troubles the singer Beyonce was going through because of a breach of contract lawsuit against her. Now, reports have indicated that another celebrity, actress Lindsay Lohan, may face similar legal problems of her own if the company she signed a contract with decides to file a civil lawsuit against her.

From what the media has been told, Lohan signed a contract with Lifetime, the maker of made-for-TV-movies, that covered the six weeks of filming she was to undergo for the movie ‘Liz and Dick’. According to the contract, Lohan was explicitly prohibited from riding in or getting behind the wheel of a vehicle not driven by or provided by Lifetime.

But this portion of the contract was allegedly broken when officers responded to the scene of an accident along the Pacific Coast Highway. According to investigators, “the actress’ car slammed into the rear of an 18-wheeler;” after which, she told police that she had not been driving at the time of the accident. Officers say they did not believe her at the time and have since accused her of lying to the police.

Although Lifetime has not filed a civil case as of yet, many legal experts point out that it’s just a matter of time before they do. “Lifetime is probably waiting to see whether or not the District Attorney’s office files a case against Lindsay for lying,” pointed out one media source who continued by saying, “If they do, it will make their suit more credible.”

It is important to point out that no formal charges have been filed against the actress in relation to the breach of contract though Lifetime is allegedly talking to Lohan’s legal team in an attempt to “sort the issue out before it goes to court.”

Source: Fox News, “Source: Lifetime may sue Lindsay Lohan for breach of contract,” Hollie McKay, Nov. 28, 2012



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